
Pricing and Discounts

Scroll down to find the right ticket for you and your company. And don’t forget – the earlier you book your ticket, the more you save!

Speaker Company Discounts For Retailers

Is your company speaking at eTail Toronto? Join your co-workers at an additional 20% off the current price. Register using code: SPEAKER

Select Your Company Type:

Select Your Packages

Unit Price



Early Bird

Two Day Pass (Oct 7-8, 2025)

First Mover's Discount-Register by Apr 30

Prices in CAD

Unit Price
$1,099.00 $599.00 + 13% HST

${{ total }}

Two Day Pass (Oct 7-8, 2025)

Prices in CAD

Unit Price
$3,899.00 + 13% HST

${{ total }}

recaptcha logo AWS Server logo
Order Total

${{ total }}

Team Discounts for Retailers and Brands

Teams of 3-4Save 10%
Teams of 5-7Save 15%
Teams of 8+Save 20%

Teams get the most out of the show. Make plans to send your team by registering online or call 1-888-482-6012 today. 

Stuff you really need to know:

  • All prices are in Canadian dollars.
  • A 13% HST is charged for all registrations
  • Solution Providers & Others Include: Any service provider to retail organizations - Including software vendors, internet developers, technology vendors, solution providers, third party logistics providers, consultants or companies with primary revenues resulting from commissions, subscriptions and/or advertising. Worldwide Business Research reserves the right to enforce the rate for these firms.
  • Solution provider registrations will be reviewed for the correct rate and will not be admitted to event if they do not pay the correct rate. We will not be responsible for travel costs if you do not wish to pay the correct rate.
  • Fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, cocktail receptions and conference documentation.
  • Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and may be subject to cancellation.
  • Questions? Give our customer service team a call at 888.482.6012 or email them at Hours of operation – Monday-Thursday, 9am-5:30pm; Friday, 9am-5pm.
  • No two discounts or offers can be combined
  • You can review our full cancellation and substitution policy, as well as data protection guidelines here.

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